Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WIP Wednesday #5

It's been a crazy return to life and work in Virginia this week after a 10 day vacation in Arkansas.  All that project time I got to enjoy last week was apparently stolen from me this week!  :-O

As such, I'm still here and still working through this:

And all I have right now are dreams of other projects for this:

and this:

and also this:

How did I possibly think I would have time to get to all those?  Believe it or not I packed all that for the vacation!  I don't know if I thought I was vacationing in some sort of knitting solitary confinement (which would be great!) or what but my eyes were definitely bigger than my available time... Oh well, at least I had a big suitcase...

What are you working on?

Happy Knitting Everyone!

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  1. I just love the aqua blanket!! It's coming along great---and isn't always wonderful to dream big??? You know if you hadn't packed all that, you would have been desperately seeking out yarn stores on vacation!
    knitting solitary confinement......hmmmm, sounds like a great vacation to me!

  2. Love the blanket. Last time we went away I took my Granny Stripe and all the yarn I had stashed for it. Not so daft as we were going to our own caravan but guess what? I got 2 whole stripes done!
    Like Steph said though, if you hadn't of taken it, you would have gone and bought it.

  3. Ha, so I'm not the only one who travels with loads of yarn! Just as well, though, it keeps you from thinking you need more!

  4. Now knitting solitary confinement really would be a pleasurable place to be.
    Glad I am not the only one who thinks that days without work will lead to overachievement in the yarn department.
    Enjoy your pretty blanket and dreaming of projects for your new yarn.
