Thursday, August 25, 2011

Knitting is like...

There are, occasionally, moments of insanely clear self realization and introspection that occur for all of us. Today, I had a clear realization that all of my ‘interests’ (for lack of a better term) have the same goal -- that is they meet the same self need.

Knitting is like Drawing or Painting...

I have moved through various creative interests in my life depending on what is available to me… I have always drawn and painted as long as I can remember. When I was about 5 I began to cook and bake. At about 6 my grandmother taught me to crochet. I kept up with these things as the mood strikes until college. In college, I became attracted to photography and ceramics and became less interested in drawing/painting/cooking/and the fiber arts…

Knitting is like Cooking or Baking...

What I was left with after college is a hodgepodge of tools and supplies for each of these hobbies. Sometimes, I have felt guilty about holding on to my pottery and photography supplies. It’s been 6 years, and I’m not likely to pick ceramics and old-school photography back up anytime soon -- the house I rent does not have an attached kiln or darkroom and I have little desire to implement these additions myself :) So, instead, I began working as a cooking class teaching assistant at Sur La Table. I loved the work and enjoyed teaching people -- this was profoundly rewarding.

Knitting is like Darkroom Photography or Hand-making Ceramics

When I married and away from Richmond however, the cooking instruction fell apart and (as I’ve said) old-school photography and ceramics aren’t viable outlets where I live now. Cooking is still enjoyable, and indeed necessary, but when you are working hard to improve your health it is remarkable how much less you actually cook and how many things you find you should eat raw (read vegetables and fruits).

Knitting is like Teaching

Finally, in the face of all my ‘interest’ brick walls, I picked my crochet hook up again… Shortly thereafter, I coerced a dear friend to teach me the basics of knitting and I have been possessed of the fiber arts ever since. I’m very happy in this medium :)

Knitting is like Meditation

It was while knitting that I came to the realization that I should not feel guilty over my unused supplies hiding in various boxes around the house, nor the fact that I have moved from one interest to another throughout my lifetime abandoning others in my wake. Because through the rhythm of this latest craft, I have come to realize that I have picked up each of these pursuits out of a desire to createsomething. Through seemingly unrelated pieces the artist, cook, baker, photographer, ceramist, teacher, and yes, knitter is able to make something of their own design. These unrelated pieces come together into (hopefully) something beautiful and useful though nothing but the creator’s genius and the simple tools of the craft.

Knitting is like Creation...

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